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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0592c24b.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-10  |  104KB  |  479x242  |  8-bit (254 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | clock | digital display | monitor | sky | stairs | window
OCR: THE BEST CREDT CARDS Grac Telephane perioc Typeafcard numbe WITHANNUAL EES stifmonis Firat Natlonal Bank HArk) MasterCard Nisa 501-541-1304 Arkantns FederiSinintes Bank MatathardPViss 1 800.477-3348* WachioviaBank Card Servicas 0el itasterCard Iaa 800-423 3273 Paodlas itConat 800. 423 3273 Barkot Moiitana Naste Card Nvisa 800-735-5536 Fard aCO-395-0010 WITHOUT RNNUAL FEES AFBAIndustrial Bank [Va 8C0-776-2322 BAnrienmated Barik tchiespo 6O-365-6464 The Abbott Bank (Nab) 1680 Maser anis BO0-288- -6844 Fidelity Matianat Bauk [Ga.] MasTErCardiss 800753-2900 Seaurit Bankg tMahe TaerGard,Nis: 800.443 5465 FIPa INatianarBan 1852 Masercad irs. CREDIT